HLA Moncloa University
Avenida Valladolid 83, 28008
917 581 196 / 915 957 000
+34 667 27 54 86
(Citación por Whatsapp - no llamadas)
Avenida Valladolid 83, 28008
917 581 196 / 915 957 000
HLA Moncloa University
Avenida Valladolid 83, 28008
917 581 196 / 915 957 000
+34 667 27 54 86
(Citación por Whatsapp - no llamadas)
Avenida Valladolid 83, 28008
917 581 196 / 915 957 000
The HLA Group has the group’s largest care centre in the Spanish capital: HLA Universitario Moncloa.
It has a total surface area of 28,000 m2 distributed over four floors. It has 218 single rooms with a bed for a companion, 7 premium suites, 12 suites with lounge, 13 ICU stations, 14 operating theatres for major surgery (2 for ophthalmology), 1 delivery room, 60 specialised care areas and units, 43 speciality consulting rooms, a post-surgical resuscitation unit, a nursery, a sterilisation centre and a fully equipped day hospital, making it the leading centre in Madrid with a clear emphasis on training.
Hospital HLA Universitario Moncloa is one of the two Spanish hospitals and the only one in the Region of Madrid that has held, for several years now, the Q for Quality Tourism in the health sector, in accordance with the ICTE 01 standard of the Spanish Institute for Quality Tourism. We are therefore committed to quality tourism, both in our city (https://www.esmadrid.com/) and in our region (http://turismomadrid.es/es/)
Likewise, in 2019 it was the first hospital in Spain to join the FACE Restauración Sin Gluten/Gluten Free agreement, guaranteeing that anyone with coeliac disease who is hospitalised at HLA Universitario Moncloa will receive a menu with food and food handling techniques appropriate to their pathology. More information at https://celiacos.org/
HLA Moncloa has an Arrhythmia Unit, a Cardiac Electrophysiology Laboratory headed by Dr. Jesús Paylos, which uses the latest techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias and is a national and international reference centre. We are pioneers in Spain and are at the forefront of the world leaders in the definitive treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, through cryoablation with catheter-balloon. To date, the unit has performed 3,229 radiofrequency and cold ablations, with an average success rate of 98%, no major complications (no mortality) and very low morbidity (0.8%). In May 2016, we published the longest long-term follow-up described so far in the Journal of Atrial Fibrillation (JAFIB 2016 8:6 (6-17) in patients with paroxysmal AF treated with the cryoablation technique using a balloon catheter. Adapting to the specific characteristics and conditions of each patient, we seek a personalised treatment for their heart disease.
You can also visit the Arrhythmia Unit website where you will find much more detailed information about the Unit and its procedures http://www.tratamientofibrilacionauricular.com/ or request further information by sending an e-mail to cap@hlaservices.es
Aware of the need to provide a safer and healthier workplace and to guarantee the Health and Safety of its workers, the management of the HOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO HLA MONCLOA, S.A.U. has acquired, through its Health and Safety Policy, a series of commitments with the aim of providing safe and healthy working conditions, favouring the consultation and participation of employees, compliance with legal requirements and other requirements and developing an occupational health and safety management system of continuous improvement.